Addressing thyroid problems holistically and with herbs

The thyroid is a delicate butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that is responsible for regulating our metabolism.  Crudely speaking, our metabolism is our ability to generate energy but, in reality, it is much more intricate and subtle than that, with the thyroid constantly monitoring internal bodily energy requirements and external influencing factors.  Hormones released by the thyroid enter each cell of the body and up- or down-regulate the number and functionality of the mitochondria – our energy-generating organelles.  

As you might expect with such a finely tuned gland, small changes can send things awry, causing a variety of downstream effects on the body and mind.  Common symptoms include low mood, hair-loss, dry skin, constipation, anxiety and heart palpitations amongst others.  Additionally, subclinical hypothyroidism - where thyroid hormones may be within the normal range but the person is displaying clear symptoms of thyroid dysfunction- is now very common. 

Many factors can affect thyroid function, including: hormonal imbalance, which is why underlying thyroid issues can become apparent at times of hormonal change such as puberty, pregnancy and the menopause; high oestrogen levels – something that is now very common due to the increase of man-made oestrogen-mimicking substances in our environment; deficiency of certain nutrients e.g. selenium, zinc, tyrosine and iodine either through impaired digestion or a lack of these nutrients in the diet; inflammatory foods such as seed oils or gluten; and chronic stress – so common in our fast-paced society.  

Whilst conventional medication is sometimes necessary, herbal medicine and its inherently holistic approach has much to offer the chronic conditions of today, including thyroid issues.  During an in-depth consultation we explore the specific symptoms my patient is experiencing and look at all of the factors that are contributing to their current state of dis-ease.  Together, we work to address these factors by making achievable changes to diet and lifestyle over time.  Herbal prescriptions are tailored specifically to the individual and incorporate herbs that support detoxification pathways, adrenal function and the stress response, digestive function, systemic inflammation and, of course, the thyroid itself.  All of these measures have the aim of bringing body systems into balance.

If you are experiencing symptoms of thyroid dysfunction or have a recent diagnosis of hypo or hyperthyroid and would like to support your thyroid holistically, then do get in touch.


Herbs for support through the peri-menopause